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Roger calls for quick roll-out of new Meningitis vaccine to avoid preventable deaths

Roger is supporting the campaign to beat Meningitis B, the most common form of the disease in the UK. The campaign calls on the Government to act quickly to introduce the newly-licensed vaccine for this disease, which can have devastating consequences or even kill, and is particularly likely to affect children under five. The Meningitis Trust has called the new vaccine “the most significant step forward in the fight against meningitis in recent years”.
Roger has signed EDM 408, which calls on the Government to recognise that the vaccine’s effect would be optimised by its inclusion in the Routine Child
Immunisation Schedule carried out by the NHS, and to implement this as quickly as possible to help save lives.
Roger said: “I am concerned about the impact of any unnecessary delay in the national roll-out of this vaccine. The last vaccine against a different type of meningitis was not introduced for more than five years, and the preventable meningitis cases which occurred during this time resulted in deaths and disabilities. I want to make sure that the Government do not allow this to happen again.”

This article appeared in the August edition of Roger's newsletter 'Postcard from Parliament'