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Roger condemns huge increase to tax on solar power

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Roger has strongly criticised the Chancellor’s decision to bring in a huge increase of up to 800% to business rates on new solar installations in the spring Budget.

Said Roger: “At a time when we urgently need to de-carbonize our energy use and make the transition away from fossil fuels, the Government have decided to hugely push up taxes on solar power while continuing to support fracking and give tax breaks to oil drilling. Solar power is a clean, sustainable technology which is quick to install, produces no carbon emissions, and has very high rates of public support.

“The Government should be giving solar power their full support and doing everything possible to encourage new solar installations. Instead, they are putting in place massive tax increases and making it much less likely that people will see solar as a viable investment. In a rapidly warming world, with our chance of keeping global climate change below 2 degrees, this is an utterly crazy policy choice.”

Roger has tabled an Early Day Motion to the Government to call on them to urgently reconsider the tax increase on solar power installations and to bring in a regulatory regime which supports renewables while phasing out dangerous, dirty and polluting fossil fuels. You can read the EDM here.